Sofia Bray

Name (pronouns): 
Sofia Bray (she/her/hers)
Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI) / Clinical Trials Operation (CTO), Office of Research
Years at UCSF: 
Role in technology: 
Administrative Officer
What technology project(s) have you worked on that you are most proud of?: 

I am proud of launching the "Social unDistancing" Newsletter for CTSI / AVC-CR Office with my Communications Team, which will be shared monthly with affiliated staff.

How has technology helped you achieve a goal within your role or department?: 

Using survey tools, such as Qualtrics, has helped me improve my work in clinical research operations. I can use it to build questionnaires for high-level executive committees and analyze responses to enhance and improve the objectives and priorities of leadership.

What’s your favorite aspect of your role at UCSF and why?: 

My favorite aspect in my role is working with colleagues who have the same passion and drive to reach common goals. I believe that being surrounded by positive, uplifting people, can bring out the best in one's self. I am grateful that my team and I support one another by sharing various techniques and skills in technology to be successful in our work.

What’s one ‘fun fact’ about you that not many people know?: 

I love paddle boarding and being out in the water.

What do you like to do when you’re not at work?: 

I love spending time with my French bulldogs, Memphis and Millie. I enjoy taking them out for walks around my neighborhood lake.

If you could learn anything, what would that be?: 

I wish I knew how to bake a kouign amann!