Naryman (Nary) Mustafa

Name (pronouns): 
Naryman (Nary) Mustafa (She, Her, hers)
UCSF Library, Learning Technologies Group (LTG)
Years at UCSF: 
Role in technology: 
As an Instructional Designer, I specialize in providing consultations to faculty members to enhance their teaching and learning experiences across various settings, including face-to-face, hybrid, and online environments.
Naryman Mustafa
What technology project(s) have you worked on that you are most proud of?: 

In the recent past, I undertook a technology project that entailed the expeditious development of two well-crafted Rise projects. The primary objective of the first project was to familiarize faculty and staff members at UCSF with the Moodle 4.1 upgrade, known as the Collaborative Learning Environment (CLE). This initiative involved delivering an in-depth overview of the new functionalities introduced by the upgrade, along with comprehensive guidance on navigating the refined interface. The second project was meticulously crafted to serve as an orientation resource for UCSF students in relation to the new CLE. It aimed to provide them with clear instructions on how to access the platform, acquaint them with its diverse features, and equip them with an array of valuable UCSF resources and links relevant to their respective schools.

How has technology helped you achieve a goal within your role or department?: 

One of the primary objectives within our department was to comprehensively revise Zendesk help articles within the UCSF library, particularly those pertaining to teaching and course administration within the CLE framework. To ensure the efficient and timely completion of this task, we engaged the assistance of a few Instructional Design Volunteers. In pursuit of this goal, I implemented the utilization of Smartsheet, a versatile platform capable of scaling from individual projects to comprehensive work management. Smartsheet empowers users to oversee projects and streamline workflows. This integration of Smartsheet has significantly improved communication and collaboration within our department and across various departments, facilitated task delegation, and enabled meticulous monitoring of everyone's progress. Furthermore, it has played a crucial role in keeping everyone on track and adhering to project deadlines, thus contributing to the achievement of our goals.

What’s your favorite aspect of your role at UCSF and why?: 

One of the aspects I greatly appreciate about my position at UCSF is the freedom it offers me to foster creativity, engage in experimentation, and explore emerging technologies that can bring tangible benefits to our university community, including faculty, staff, and students. A great illustration of this involves our successful implementation of the lifelike AI voices developed by WellSaid Labs. We leveraged these personable AI voices to enhance the delivery of training and eLearning courses, thereby significantly improving accessibility for our learners. This endeavor has been both enjoyable and rewarding.

What’s one ‘fun fact’ about you that not many people know?: 

If you were to judge by my appearance, you probably wouldn't think that I absolutely love dancing and losing myself in music from all around the world, as long as it's got a killer rhythm. Typically, I indulge in this activity in the comfort of my own home, where I can share these delightful moments with my daughter.

What do you like to do when you’re not at work?: 

I love going for long walks, cycling, and exploring new places whenever the opportunity permits. On those days when I just want to relax and unwind, you'll often find me indulging in binge-watching American and international dramas on Netflix.

If you could learn anything, what would that be?: 

I would like to become fluent in Spanish. Currently, I can understand and speak it at a beginner's level.