Laura Stupar

Name (pronouns): 
Lauren Stupar (she/her/hers)
Family and Community Medicine / National Clinician Consultation Service
Years at UCSF: 
Role in technology: 
Technical Solutions Architect, Salesforce Database Administrator
Laura Stupar
What technology project(s) have you worked on that you are most proud of?: 

My primary responsibilities are related to Salesforce functionality and integrations. I am the only person with this role in our department, so it always makes me feel proud when I successfully deploy a change that improves the user experience for others in our organization. On a personal level, I took a class where we learned how to create a website with HTML and CSS. Even though it was a one-off side project, it felt very gratifying to go through the process of setting up a live web page. And it turns out the basic understanding of HTML and CSS frequently comes in handy.

How has technology helped you achieve a goal within your role or department?: 

Two years ago, I set up a SurveyMonkey-Salesforce integration for sending Caller Satisfaction Surveys. It involved several different components to automate the process and store the results in Salesforce. This integration saves hours of manual labor each month. Everything happens behind the scenes and the results are available in Salesforce reports.

What’s your favorite aspect of your role at UCSF and why?: 

I enjoy working independently. It allows me to experiment and learn different things. It’s really exciting to me when I learn something new and put it into action in our database.

What’s one ‘fun fact’ about you that not many people know?: 

I studied Anthropology for my undergraduate degree. Before I started working with the NCCC, I coordinated community-based research that was focused on requirements gathering. I believe this helped me in my current role since a big part of my job now is to gather user requirements for our database.

What do you like to do when you’re not at work?: 

Hiking, overnight camping, cooking, yardwork, reading and researching interesting topics.

If you could learn anything, what would that be?: 

JavaScript. And I’d also like to learn how to play the ukulele.