I launched the digital signage program within the Parnassus Library and one of our Mission Bay spaces. This program has been great because it has allowed me to promote our events, services, and resources widely while saving time and paper!
We have been using Mailchimp for our email marketing program and it has allowed me to gain significant insight on our UCSF users. The insight is constantly evolving and has empowered me to make marketing decisions about how to effectively communicate with our audiences. Our email marketing program has also helped to grow the Library’s reach far beyond my initial goals in the last three years.
Collaborating with Library staff and the UCSF community in implementing marketing initiatives. Empowering Library staff to take marketing into their own hands. I work best in collaboration and my role at the Library has given me many opportunities to meet and collaborate with many different people at UCSF. I look forward to continuing to work at the convergence of people, technology, creativity, and experience.
I am a Chinese jump rope champion but retired after winning at the ripe age of 10.
I’m into cooking, sleeping (seriously!), travel, home décor, hiking, yoga, books, podcasts dancing, and random craft/creative projects.
Does learn how to fly count? BUT if we’re basing this on the laws of physics that we have as now I would say learn French.