Carol Luong

Name (pronouns): 
Carol Luong (She, Her, Hers)
Budget and Resource Management
Years at UCSF: 
Two and half years
Role in technology: 
UPlan (Oracle Hyperion), Drupal, Tableau
Carol Luong
What technology project(s) have you worked on that you are most proud of?: 

I am proud to be part of the Women in Technology (WIT) web team where I get to collaborate and exchange knowledge with other staff members across campus to develop the WIT website.

How has technology helped you achieve a goal within your role or department?: 

Technology has played an integral role throughout my career. I enjoy exploring and learning new tools, technologies and skills to become better at my role and push the bounds of what the department thought possible.

What’s your favorite aspect of your role at UCSF and why?: 

Working alongside and learning from talented and dedicated colleagues. I thrive in changing environments where there are opportunities to trying out new ideas, simplifying processes, and building relationships with other campus departments.

What’s one ‘fun fact’ about you that not many people know?: 

I go by three names:

• Ngoc – My birth and legal name that I use on all my identification cards and legal work documents. No one calls me by this name, even my parents!

• Carol – Friends and co-workers call me by this name.

• Yuk (pronounce in Chinese) / Dục (pronounce in Vietnamese) – I grew up with this name and it is used by my family.

What do you like to do when you’re not at work?: 

Playing fetch with my three dogs and planning my next vacation.

If you could learn anything, what would that be?: 

Skiing or snowboarding – both look so fun!