Andrea Dowling

Name (pronouns): 
Andrea Dowling (She/Her)
UCSF IT Portfolio Management
Years at UCSF: 
2015-Contractor / 2018-FTE
Role in technology: 
I support our IT teams with portfolio management tools and information
Apple picking
What technology project(s) have you worked on that you are most proud of?: 

I am proud of many of the projects I have been involved with over the years, particularly the implementation of Protocol for RN Driven Removal of Indwelling Urinary Catheters, the roll out of updated Procedure Documentation forms in the EDs with charge capture, ABOB and Marin hospital APeX implementations. I am currently excited to be involved with the implementation of a UCSF Talent Marketplace that should go-live in 2024.

How has technology helped you achieve a goal within your role or department?: 

Our project and portfolio management tools allows us to visualize the work alongside the capacity of our resources. This can help make informed decisions when planning and prioritizing work in IT.

What’s your favorite aspect of your role at UCSF and why?: 

I love getting to know many different people throughout IT and learning about the exciting things they work on and do to support the UCSF mission areas.

What’s one ‘fun fact’ about you that not many people know?: 

I love cheeses. Growing up in Wisconsin, most grocery stores and even gas stations have a Cheese department, similar to a deli or bakery, but with many varieties of cheeses. It wasn't until I was in my 20s and took a trip to Florida that I learned this is not the norm across the country. I went to buy cheese in a grocery store and asked an employee where the cheese department was. The very confused teenage employee escorted me to a single refrigerator case with only a handful of cheese options. I am still not sure which of us was more confused.

What do you like to do when you’re not at work?: 

I enjoy spending time with my husband and kids, tending to my ever-growing collection of houseplants, and getting outside for walks or hikes when the weather is nice.

If you could learn anything, what would that be?: 

Everything. But if I have to narrow it down further, either to play the piano or how to easily pick up new languages.